  1. 7-1)平成27年度 研究発表実績(学術論文一覧)


7-1)平成27年度 研究発表実績(学術論文一覧)


1.平成27年度 動物系学術論文一覧


  • 1.Nonaka M, Takaoka H, Muzik K. 2015. The taxonomic problem of the Hawaiian pink coral, Corallium secundum. 2014 International Symposium on Pacific Precious Corals Final Report: 247–256.(ハワイのモモイロサンゴCorallium secundumの分類学上の問題)


  • 2.Minagawa T, Ueda K, Tanaka M, Tanaka N, Kawamura M, Izawa T, Konno T, Yamate J, Nakagawa IE, Sana A, Wada S. 2016. Detection of multiple budding yeast cells and a partial sequence of 43 KDa glycoprotein coding gene of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from a case of lacaziosis in a female Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens). Mycopathologia (2016) 1–7.(雌カマイルカのラカジオーシスで検出されたParacoccidioides brasiliensisの多極性出芽した酵母細胞と43キロダルトン糖蛋白抗原遺伝子の部分配列)
  • 3.Nakashima T, Kobayashi N, Yamada H, Katsumata T, Yoshida R, Kato H, Okabe H, Kawazu I, Yanase Y, Omine M, Terada M, Sugioka H, Kyo M. 2015. Repellence Effect of the New Sound for Underwater Speaker of Hydrofoil. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 9: 207–211.
  • 4.Yamada H, Kobayashi N, Nakashima T, Kato H. 2015. Development of the Effective Underwater Speaker Sound Modulated by Audible Sound Frequency Range of Large Cetaceans for Avoidance with Ship Collision. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 9: 213–217.


  • 5.Hamabata T, Hikida T, Ishihara T, Kawazu I, Nashiki Y, Oki K, Tanaka T, Ui K, Kamezaki N. 2016. MtDNA analysis suggests local origin for pelagic stage juvenile green turtles collected in Japanese coastal waters. Pacific Science 70: 45–54.(MtDNA分析による日本の沿岸域で捕獲された表層性アオウミガメ幼体の起源)
  • 6.Kawazu I, Kino M, Maeda K. 2015. Relationship between the water temperature experienced by captive loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and eggshell formation. Herpetological Review 46: 364–368.(飼育アカウミガメの経験水温と卵形成の関係)
  • 7.河津 勲・前田好美・澤向 豊. 2015. タイマイの電気射精技術:電気刺激による筋損傷の評価. うみがめニュースレター102: 10–15.
  • 8.Kawazu I, Nakada K, Maeda K, Sawamukai Y. 2016. Daily Changes in the Blood Levels of Two Steroids and Other Biochemicals Related to Vitellogenesis and Eggshell Formation during Internesting Intervals in a Captive Female Loggerhead Turtle Caretta caretta. Current Herpetology 35: 14–21.(飼育アカウミガメにおける産卵間の卵黄形成と卵形成に関連した2種のステロイドおよび他生化学値の血中濃度の日変動)
  • 9.河津 勲・渡辺紗綾・前田好美・植田啓一・宮原弘和. 2015. 飼育下におけるアカウミガメ孵化幼体の膿瘍から検出された細菌叢. うみがめニュースレター102: 6–10.
  • 10.米須邦雄・古我知 睦・嘉陽宗幸・河津 勲. 2016. 沖縄島大宜味村における規則的な産卵サイクルを持ったタイマイの記録. うみがめニュースレター103: 6–10.
  • 11.Matsuzawa Y, Kamezaki N, Ishihara T, Omuta K, Takeshita H, Goto K, Arata T, Honda H, Kameda K, Kashima Y, Kayo M, Kawazu I, Kumazawa Y, Kuroyanagi K, Mizobuchi K, Mizuno K, Oki K, Watanabe K, Yamamoto A, Yamashita Y, Yamato T, Hamabata T, Ishizaki A, Dutton PH. 2016. Fine scale genetic population structure of loggerhead turtles in the Northwest Pacific. Endangered Species Research 30: 83–93.(北西太平洋におけるアカウミガメの詳細な遺伝個体群構造)
  • 12.高橋優実・古堤桂太・中西 悠・河津 勲. 2016. 定置網での再捕獲が示唆するアカウミガメの交尾海域-沖縄島西海域の事例-. うみがめニュースレター103: 10–12.


  • 13.Castro JI, Sato K, Bodine AB. A novel mode of embryonic nutrition in the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier. 2016. Marine Biology Research 12: 200–205. (イタチザメの新たな繁殖様式について)
  • 14.Miya M, Sat Y, Fukunaga T, Sado T, Poulsen JY., Sato K, Minamoto T, Yamamoto S, Yamanaka H, Araki H, Kondoh M, Iwasaki W. 2015. MiFish, a set of universal PCR primers for metabarcoding environmental DNA from fishes: Detection of >230 subtropical marine species. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150088.(魚類環境DNAのメタバーコーディングのためのプライマーの開発)
  • 15.Miyamoto K, Nonaka A, Oka S. 2015. Northernmost record of a poorly known tuskfish, Choerodon margaritiferus (Perciformes: Labridae), from southern Japan, and first description of a female. Zootaxa 4007: 82–90.(ユウモドロベラの北限記録と雌の初記載)
  • 16.Nakamura M, Miura S, Nozu R, Kobayashi Y. 2015. Opposite-directional sex change in functional female protandrous anemonefish, Amphiprion clarkia: Effect of aromatase inhibitor on the ovarian tissue. Zoological Letters 1: 30.(雄性先熟魚クマノミの機能的雌個体の逆方向性転換:卵巣組織に及ぼすアロマターゼ阻害剤の影響)
  • 17.Nakamura M, Nozu R, Ijiri S, Kobayashi T, Hirai T, Yamaguchi Y, Seale A, Lerner DT, Grau GE. 2015. Sexual characteristics of high-temperature sterilized male mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Zoological Letters 1: 21.(高水温により不妊化した雄ティラピアの性的特徴)
  • 18.Nozu R, Horiguchi R, Kobayashi Y, Nakamura M. 2015. Expression profile of doublesex/male abnormal-3-related transcription factor-1 during gonadal sex change in the protogynous wrasse, Halichoeres trimaculatus. Molecular Reproduction and Development 82: 859–866.(雌性先熟魚ミツボシキュウセンの生殖腺性転換におけるdoublesex/male abnormal-3-related transcription factor-1遺伝子の発現解析)
  • 19.Nozu R, Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Nakamura M, Ueda K, Sato K. 2015. Gonadal morphology, histology, and endocrinological Characteristics of immature female whale sharks, Rhincodon typus. Zoological Science 32: 455–458.(未成熟の雌ジンベエザメにおける生殖腺の形態、組織および内分泌的特徴)
  • 20.Nozu R, Nakamura M. 2015. Cortisol Administration Induces Sex Change from Ovary to Testis in the Protogynous Wrasse, Halichoeres trimaculatus. Sexual Development 9: 118–124.
  • 21.Oka S, Miyamoto K. 2015. Pelagic juvenile of Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) identified from morphometric and genetic evidence. Fauna Ryukyuana 20: 1–6.(外部形態および遺伝的証拠から同定されたルリメイシガキスズメダイの浮遊期稚魚)
  • 22.Oka S, Miyamoto K. 2015. Reproductive biology and growth of blue stripe herring Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Clupeidae) in the northernmost waters. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 709–713.(沖縄島沿岸域におけるミズンの繁殖生物学と成長)
  • 23.Oka S, Miyamoto K, Matsuzaki S ,Sato T. 2015. Growth of the coconut crab, Birgus latro, at its northernmost range estimated from mark-recapture using individual identification based on carapace grooving patterns. Zoological Science 32: 260–265.(標識再捕法による北限域のヤシガニの成長)
  • 24.Sato K. Family Scyliorhinidae, In: Fishes of New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand. (分担執筆)(ニュージーランドの魚類)
  • 25.高岡博子・踊場秀兵・村雲清美・野津 了・中村 將. 2016. 深海性ヒメダイPristipomoides sieboldiiの氷温保存下の卵巣組織と血中性ホルモン値の変化. 日本水産学会誌82: 112–118.
  • 26.Tomita T. 2015. Pectoral fin of the Paleozoic shark, Cladoselache: new reconstruction based on a near-complete specimen. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35: e973029.(化石魚クラドセラケの胸ビレ構造)
  • 27.Tomita T, Cotton C, Toda M. 2016. Ultrasound and physical models shed light on the respiratory system of embryonic dogfishes. Zoology 119: 36–41. (超音波診断と物理モデルが解明するツノザメ類胎児の呼吸システム)
  • 28.Tomita T, Murakumo K, Miyamoto K, Sato K, Oka S, Kamisako H, Toda M. 2015. Eye retraction in the giant guitarfish, Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Elasmobranchii: Batoidea): a novel mechanism for eye protection in batoid fishes. Zoology 119: 30–35. (トンガリサカタザメの眼球の眼窩内への嵌入機構)
  • 29.Tomita T, Toda M, Miyamoto K, Ueda K, Nakaya K. Morphology of a hidden tube: Resin injection and CT scanning reveal the three-dimensional structure of the spiracle in the Japanese bullhead shark Heterodontus japonicus (Chondrichthyes; Heterodontiformes; Heterodontidae). Anatomical Record.(樹脂注入とCT検査が明かす、ネコザメの噴水孔の三次元構造)
  • 30.Tomita T, Yokoyama K. 2015. The first Cenozoic record of a fossil megamouth shark (Lamniformes, Megachasmidae) from Asia. Paleontological Research 19: 204–207. (アジアから初記録となるメガマウスザメの歯の化石)

